This family of fowl has a long and colorful history in Columbia, North Augusta, Trenton & Edgefield SC and also
Augusta GA. Several stories date back to the period shortly before the War of Northern Aggression. This family
may have never been in the hands of Judge Bacon at all. Some of my research shows it passing from John Stone through several
hands to Jim Clark or John Fair, then to another local family then to me. Bacon and Hopkinson also got some of these
birds at about the time that Fair & Clark got theirs. (about 1865) At one point in time some were called Fannie
Carters. They all have moccasin legs and straight comb, mulberry faces. Hens may be all black or have lemon or ginger
hackle. A few will be toppy. My males usually have a garnet red in the hackle and saddle feathers. I could call
them John Stone Irish Dundons, but John Stone Fowl will work.